Welcome to Brazyville High School! BHS has grown since its first school. We've been through 6 builds and 4 years of school. We appreciate all the support the staff and students have given us. This school only gets better because you allow it to. There have been some great changes to keep BHS a thriving role-play sim that you the students want to keep coming to.
The more involved you are, the better BHS is, plain and simple. If you rely on the faculty and staff to hand deliver you a great time, you won’t get it. There are many clubs and teams available. The most prominent of those being student council.
Attendance is a part of your grade. Your teachers will be keeping attendance. If you cannot come to class inform your teachers. If you are constantly delinquent, you will be removed from the school group and not refunded. If you fail this semester you lose student preference next semester.
School Times & Days
School is held 2-3 times a week, days and times very per session.
General Rules
On BHS grounds wear your tag and be in Character at all times, OOC chat may be in IMs.
This is roleplay - no flying, no talk of tps, no gestures, or voice.
Uniforms are required and are on sale at the school store. Uniforms are to be worn at school at all times, unless otherwise specified (swimming, sports, school dance, etc). If you are out of uniform you will be warned once and then sent home.
We expect that you each treat each other and our staff with respect, this includes no cursing/racial slurs as well as no bullying or fighting.
Minor discipline issues will be handled in the classroom by the teacher through the use of time outs, extra assignments, and/or discussion with the student's parent or guardian.
No Weapons (Including Fire), orbiting tools, alcohol or drugs. Anyone caught with or using these on or around school grounds will be immediately banned and expelled.
Inappropriate sexual talk will NOT be tolerated at school. This behavior will lead to automatic banning from the premises.
Fighting will have consequences. If fighting, please fight within reason, you can't win all the time, and you don't always have weapons on you. If you are going to fight it better be in character.
Keep the cussing down. Just because your mouth in rl might be tainted and you were an ass and talked down to your teachers doesn't mean i'll accept it here, so watch yo mouth and respect my staff.
No shouting, this disrupts the classes and other students and even other people on this sim. Again, one warning and then sent home.
No gestures, right click your gestures folder and take off. Not only are gestures not allowed in roleplay but they annoy me, if your caught using them, you will be warned and then sent home.
Your BHS Character needs to be profiled.
Once a month tuition is due {$400l}. At the end of each term, all students are removed from the group. In order to attend classes the next term, you must rejoin the group and pay tuition again. If you have questions contact Autumn Yap.
Join the Brazyville Community Group.
For our more serious roleplayers or students who would like to roleplay more, feel free to check out our (friendly) rival school Seaside High!!! We are super excited to have the opportunity to visit each others campuses and be able to create some great stories between your characters. Check out the Seaside here!